Struggling to overcome pregnancy fears while maintaining a successful career?

3 Midwife secrets to a calm birth & return to work without guilt & anxiety

Join my LIVE masterclass on 26 th oct 2023 at 7 pm to learn how to to prepare for a calm, confident, empowered birth.

What can you expect in the live masterclass with Jutta?

Forget the Hollywood drama: How to achieve a calm, confident, happy birth.

How to make YOUR best decisions for you, your birth, your baby.

Enjoy your pregnancy and run your business without guilt, confusion & anxiety

Optimise your time, your birth prep and your partnership for the best outcomes.

How to create the best environment for a calm baby & calm birth.

Why "Dr Google" and your Aunt Mary are bad for your birth & your business.

I will reveal to you...

  • Secret #1: Why some women have a negative, even traumatic birth while others have a joyful, positive, calm birth

  • Secret #2: Do this daily for 10 minutes to help develop a relaxed baby, so after birth you can return to work feeling empowered and energised.

  • Secret #3: How your partner can become the "Triple P" ~ your "Perfect Pregnancy Partner"

If you want to thrive in pregnancy, birth & business, reserve your seat on 26 th oct 2023 at 7 pm:

Your mentor

Jutta Wohlrab

International Midwife, Hynotherapist, NLP Trainer & Yoga Teacher based in Berlin.

  • ​International Midwife for 40 years on 2 Continents (I've seen every type of birth!!)

  • ​I have helped over 10,000 women from all over the globe: USA, Australia, UK, Peru, South Africa, Brazil, India, Ireland & Austria to have a positive birth experience.

  • ​I ​am a Certified Hypnobirthing Trainer & Certified NLP trainer for 16 years

  • I am a Bestselling Author & International Speaker on Positive Birth Psychology

Join my LIVE masterclass on 26 th oct 2023 at 7 pm to learn how to to prepare for a calm, confident, empowered birth:

I don't want you to miss out!

You are in great company

Claudia' feedback:

Stefan's feedback:

Ricarda's feedback:

Petra, Berlin, 1st pregnancy

"Jutta's impeccable knowledge & experience, helped me get rid of my birth fear... taught me how to relax, gain my confidence & trust."

"I was searching for an online midwife - because my fear of birth was quite intense, my search also included HypnoBirthing coaching. The impact of Jutta's work was just amazing; so positive, relaxing, loving, motivating & knowledgeable in both theory & practice. “Positive Breathing” practice was one of my favourites, it helps you to relax and sleep better. Jutta's immense confidence, based on an impeccable knowledge & experience,
helped me get rid of my birth fear, taught me how to relax, find my confidence & trust. She was and still is my “Birth Guru”. Jutta, thank you! ;)"

Emma, New York, 1st pregnancy

"Through the meditations, in particular the anchor exercise and the endorphin massage, I was able to get through the 'waves' at home in a relaxed environment."

"Dear Jutta,I'd like to express my thanks and gratitude for everything I learned with you. I now know my waters broke early on the Tuesday morning prior, on the very day I had planned to join one of your yoga classes....

Miraculously, especially for the US, I was able to have the unmedicated birth I wished for and I know it was partially due to everything I learned during your classes. I also had an extraordinary midwife who understood my vision and a hospital which supports the midwifery model. Through the meditations, in particular the anchor exercise and the endorphin massage, I was able to get through the 'waves' at home in a relaxed environment. At the hospital during the birth and pushing, I was able to go
deep into myself and really focus.

When I arrived at the hospital on Thursday evening, the midwife told me I was already 9cm dilated. Everyone was astounded and I had Sebastian at 2am on Friday morning. It was the most beautiful experience I could ever have imagined. The midwife asked one of the OB doctors, who had never witnessed an unmedicated birth before, to observe it, and
she couldn't believe her eyes

I felt very prepared as my husband and I had been practising the exercises I learned in your classes together, and we knew what to do. I also found the birth breathing exercise very helpful throughout my pregnancy, especially during periods when I was having trouble sleeping. My husband even uses it too on himself. Thank you for your support, positive energy, and for being such an inspiration!"

Clara, Berlin, 1st pregnancy

"...Jutta’s calm voice kept replaying in my head. This helped me through it all. I highly recommend her."

"Jutta, what can I say, I love love love her. Pregnant with my first child, her level of professionalism, care and love is out of this world. If you are looking for someone that will listen to all those pregnancy and birthing questions no matter how silly, Jutta is the go-to for the best birthing wisdom.

I actually thought I may not remember anything I learnt in these classes during the birth of my child, but it’s interesting how jutta’s calm voice kept replaying in my head. This helped me through it all. I highly recommend her. Thank you Jutta for all that you do."

Lala and Thorsten. 1st pregnancy

"My hubby now has wonderful ideas to support me! ...Jutta's guidance is building our relationship, we are becoming more closer."I feel secure,
no more stress and much more relaxed facing my BIG DAY (delivery day) to meet our baby boy next month after working with Jutta. My hubby now has wonderful ideas to support me! I can't thank you enough Jutta to bring him more into this wonderful experience. He not only gained more knowledge about pregnancy and birth but Jutta's guidance is building our relationship, we are becoming more closer. We have learned so much that we can use in life beyond pregnancy and birth. I highly recommend Jutta to all the couples out there ..... Thank you Jutta for a wonderful experience and all the useful information you shared with us,

Another feedback

"...the biggest gift - Learning to trust myself, my body, and the process. Connecting with my inner self and my baby during labor."

"Hi Jutta, I come from a C-Section-oriented culture, and had so many doubts to whether I would be able to birth naturally.Jutta's coaching helped me immensely. I have to be honest, I was very skeptical but I continued practicing. In the end, it was not so much the breathing and relaxation exercises that helped me, but the change of mindset and focus. I think that was the biggest gif this class brought me - Learning to trust myself, my body, and the process. Connecting with my inner self and my baby during labor. I had a 12 hour birth process that honestly felt like 3 hours. My water broke on a Wednesday night, around 22h, I managed to stay home until 6h on Thursday. During contractions I was going to a different state of mind, concentrating, and focusing, it is even surreal to remember it now. We went to the hospital at 7h, I was already with 6cm dilatation. My daughter was born at 9h30, naturally, with no anesthesia, as I wished for. The midwife said my birth was a dream, that many mothers would like to have. And I agree. I had such an amazing experience that sometimes it is still hard to believe I had so much strength. Funny thing, I wanted a water birth, but during labor, it didn't feel like I needed one everything was moving so well that felt unnecessary. So being open and adjusting to the situation was also very helpful. Thank you, I."